Enquiry - Wines
Kindly note:
We’ll contact you via email to complete your enquiry.
We’ll confirm via email regarding the allocation of wines.
Wine is only sold in multiples of 6 bottles (e.g. 6/ 12/… etc)
If at least one case is purchased, delivery is free of charge.
Orders are subject to the availability of wines .
We do not offer online payment services currently.
Check net die Pino is 2012 in linkerkantste kolom, maar 2014 in die drop downs.
Reggestel. Dankie vir die uitwys.
Is it just me or are there no prices?
Thank you Peter for your comment. Would you like to know the trade or cellar door prices? I will then send you the relevant price list.
Pryslys ook asb. Privaatkoper. Dankie
Please send us a wine list with prices
Hello David, Nadia
Email vir my ‘n pryslys asb.
Pryslys asb. Privaat.
Pryslys ook asseblief. Privaatkoper. Dankie
Hi. Can I please have a price list and details on when I can visit to taste and buy. Thank you